I’m excited for your Reiki journey! Reiki is a Japanese relaxation and holistic healing technique that was rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in the 1920s. An in-person session involves a client laying fully clothed on a massage table as the practitioner directs healing energy to various predetermined placements on the clients body. The hand positions target all of the clients internal organs, energy centers and major joints.

Describing a Reiki session is difficult, because each person experiences Reiki differently - as a warm vibration flowing through their body, heat, muscle movement, energy release and more. One thing is always consistent: the Reiki energy will flow through the client’s body, releasing energy blockages that can lead to mental and physical illness and discomfort. If it sounds too incredible to be true, believe me I understand. I had to feel it to believe it as well!

Many people fall asleep during a session or at least grow very relaxed. Regardless of how a person feels or whether they fall asleep, the Reiki is at work! Sometimes the deepest healing occurs when we are able to temporarily quiet the analytical mind.


    Private session in-person or online.

  • community clinic

    Community session with one to three practitioners at a time.

community clinic

Oakland Reiki Center is committed to remaining accessible to anyone who wants to experience Reiki. Part of this commitment includes Community Clinics, during which multiple Reiki practitioners work side-by-side on a client to reduce the time and financial commitment of a Reiki session.
